No Udi's chocolate chocolatey chocolaty-ness

It's been a rough week.
No, it has been a rough month. Or three. I need a long vacation, a big nap, a hug, and some good chocolate.

Over my lunch break, I ventured out of the safety of my cave cubicle to shop at Fred Meyer. After selecting from my limited options at the deli, I decided to get some chocolate.

Mmm, chocolate.

There were some Udi's brownie bites in the freezer, so I crossed my fingers for luck and checked the label. Dairy.


No Udi's for me.

I'm really having a hard time with this gfdf lifestyle. I feel like all my comfort foods are gone. Not that I am in the habit of eating my feelings, I'm not - but with the loss of my dad not too long ago, I just want something familiar and comforting. Like a chocolate cookie. Or mac & cheese that tastes like mac & cheese. 

When I realized Udi's was not even an option, I couldn't hold back and started to cry in the grocery store. How embarrassing. 

I contemplated buying a bottle of wine and spending the rest of the day on the couch in my pajamas, getting acquainted with wine as my new comfort food, but decided against it.

I need to figure out some go-to solutions for when I'm feeling this way, and fast, before I end up in the loony bin. Or in jail - from having a tantrum in the grocery store over not getting a cookie when I want one.

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