Lugano Cafe

Today, I arrived early in Tualatin for a PT appointment, so I decided to grab breakfast at Luganos, the new cafe across the street.

The friendly barista greeted me and offered me their menu.

"Do you have anything GF?" I asked. It was a crap shoot, and I expected nothing. Well maybe fruit, but honestly I had low expectations.

"Oh sure, we have GF scones," she offered. Inside I yelped "Yay!" as I mentally did my happy dance. Yeah, calm down, I still needed to ask about dairy.

"... Oh wait," she paused, "I think they're sold out. In that case, the only other GF item we have on the menu is one of our scrambles, but you'd have to get it without toast."

At 9:45 am, they still had half a dozen each of other beautiful baked items, so either they had a run on GF items, or they bake less GF than the other items, or they don't carry any GF and she was making it all up.

I didn't want to go into the whole dairy-free song and dance regarding the eggs, and cringed at the $9 price tag for some scrambled eggs, so this is my breakfast: a vanilla soy latte.

Ho hum.

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